Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Rexahn Pharmaceuticals to Present at the BioPharm America™ 2014 in Boston, Massachusetts, USA

ROCKVILLE, Md.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Rexahn Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NYSE MKT: RNN), a clinical stage biopharmaceutical company developing best-in-class therapeutics for the treatment of cancer, today announced that Vikas Sharma, PhD, Director of Business Development, will present at the BioPharm America™ 2014 conference in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. The presentation will be on Tuesday, September 23rd at 3:00 PM EDT. Diovan (Valsartan) with no Rx The conference is being held September 22-24, 2014, at Boston Marriott Copley Place, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. BioPharm America™ draws biotech and pharma executives from around the world to identify and enter strategic relationships. About Diovan Hct (Valsartan-Hydrochlorothiazide) with free Rx Over 900 delegates are expected, with one on one partnering meetings, company presentations, and licensing connections. About Rexahn Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Rexahn Pharmaceuticals is a clinical stage biopharmaceutical company dedicated to developing best-in-class therapeutics for the treatment of cancer. About Diamox (Acetazolamide) with free prescription Rexahn currently has three clinical stage oncology candidates, Archexin®, RX-3117, and SupinoxinTM (RX-5902) and a robust pipeline of preclinical compounds to treat multiple types of cancer. About Desmopressin with free Rx Rexahn has also developed proprietary drug discovery platform technologies in the areas of Nano-Polymer-Drug Conjugate Systems (NPDCS), CPMA, 3D-GOLD, and TIMES. Buy SOD online For more information, please visit .rexahn.com. Safe Harbor To the extent any statements made in this press release deal with information that is not historical, these are forward-looking statements under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. http://medicalquestionanswers.wordpress.com Such statements include, but are not limited to, statements about Rexahn’s plans, objectives, expectations and intentions with respect to future operations and products and other statements identified by words such as “will,” “potential,” “could,” “can,” “believe,” “intends,” “continue,” “plans,” “expects,” “anticipates,” “estimates,” “may,” other words of similar meaning or the use of future dates. Forward-looking statements by their nature address matters that are, to different degrees, uncertain. Uncertainties and risks may cause Rexahn’s actual results to be materially different than those expressed in or implied by Rexahn’s forward-looking statements. For Rexahn, particular uncertainties and risks include, among others, the difficulty of developing pharmaceutical products, obtaining regulatory and other approvals and achieving market acceptance; the marketing success of Rexahn’s licensees or sublicensees; the success of clinical testing; and Rexahn’s need for and ability to obtain additional financing. More detailed information on these and additional factors that could affect Rexahn’s actual results are described in Rexahn’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including its most recent annual report on Form 10-K and subsequent quarterly reports on Form 10-Q. All forward-looking statements in this news release speak only as of the date of this news release. Rexahn undertakes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

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Cellectis c`ede sa filiale su'edoise, Cellectis AB `a la soci'et'e japonaise Takara Bio Inc.

PARIS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Regulatory News: Cellectis SA (Paris:ALCLS)(Alternext : ALCLS) expert dans le d eveloppement d’immunoth erapies fond ees sur l’ing enierie de lymphocytes CART allog eniques (UCART) annonce aujourd’hui la signature d’un contrat de rachat de sa filiale Cellectis AB par la soci et e japonaise Takara Bio Inc. Cette op eration, dont la r ealisation doit intervenir dans les prochaines semaines sous r eserve de certaines conditions usuelles, est le prolongement de sa focalisation th erapeutique et la concentration de son activit e dans le domaine de l’oncologie via le d eveloppement de candidats-m edicaments fond es sur l’utilisation de sa plateforme de production « T-Cell CAR », tant en propre qu’en partenariat avec Servier et Pfizer. Cellectis AB est une soci et e de biotechnologies sp ecialis ee dans le d eveloppement de produits et de technologies utilisant des cellules souches embryonnaires `a destination de l’industrie et de la communaut e de recherche. La strat egie de recentrage th erapeutique annonc ee en 2012 suivie du retournement brutal du march e des « outils et services » en 2013 avait amen e la Soci et e `a restructurer ce p^ole devenu lourdement d eficitaire. L’op eration de cession de Cellectis AB marque l’ etape finale de la r eorganisation de l’activit e du p^ole Outils et Services qui avait d egag e en 2013 une perte op erationnelle de 14 millions d’euros avant comptabilisation des d epr eciations exceptionnelles et des co^uts li es `a la r eduction des effectifs. Les termes financiers de l’accord n’ont pas et e divulgu es. Cette transaction devrait se traduire par la reconnaissance d’une moins-value d’environ 5 millions d’euros dans les comptes de l’exercice 2014 de Cellectis SA. `A propos de Cellectis Cellectis est une entreprise biopharmaceutique sp ecialis ee en oncologie. Buy Bactrim (Trimethoprim And Sulfamethoxazole) Sa mission est de d evelopper une nouvelle g en eration de traitement contre le cancer, gr^ace aux cellules T ing enier ees. About Benicar (Olmesartan) without prescription Cellectis capitalise sur ses 14 ans d expertise en ing enierie des g enomes - s’appuyant sur ses outils phares les TALEN™ et les m eganucl eases, et sur la technologie pionni`ere d’ electroporation Pulse Agile, afin de cr eer une nouvelle g en eration d’immunoth erapies pour traiter les leuc emies et les tumeurs solides. Bactrim (Trimethoprim, Sulfamethoxazole) with free Rx L’immunoth erapie adoptive anti-cancer d evelopp ee par Cellectis est fond ee sur les premi`eres cellules T allog eniques exprimant un r ecepteur antig enique chim erique (CAR) ciblant les leuc emies aigu"es et chroniques. About Cyclospasmol without prescription Les technologies CAR sont concues pour cibler des antig`enes `a la surface des cellules canc ereuses. Buy Pregnenalone online Ces traitements r eduisent les toxicit es associ ees aux chimioth erapies actuelles et ont le potentiel de gu erir. http://medicalquestionanswers.wordpress.com Gr^ace `a ses technologies pionni`eres d ing enierie des g enomes appliqu ees aux sciences de la vie, le groupe Cellectis cr ee des produits innovants dans de multiples domaines ciblant plusieurs march es. Cellectis est cot ee sur le march e Alternext (code : ALCLS). Pour en savoir plus sur nous, visitez notre site web : .cellectis.com Note de mise en garde de Cellectis Le pr esent communiqu e, et les informations qu il contient, ne constitue ni une offre de vente ou de souscription, ni la sollicitation d un ordre d achat ou de souscription, des actions Cellectis dans un quelconque pays. Ce communiqu e de presse contient des d eclarations prospectives qui refl`etent les objectifs de la Soci et e et reposent sur les estimations et anticipations actuelles des dirigeants de la Soci et e.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Owens & Minor to Host 9th Annual Healthcare Supplier Diversity Symposium on September 23-24, 2014

RICHMOND, Va.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Owens & Minor, Inc. (NYSE-OMI) will host the 9th Annual Healthcare Supplier Diversity Symposium on September 23-24, 2014, in Richmond, Virginia. This year’s symposium –“Educate, Innovate, Connect – Defining Agility in the Healthcare Supply Chain” – will draw leaders from women-, minority-, and veteran-owned businesses, as well as healthcare industry professionals, from around the country for panel discussions, workshops and networking. Buy Bactrim (Trimethoprim And Sulfamethoxazole) This year’s keynote address will be given by Carla Harris, Vice Chairman & Managing Director of Morgan Stanley, and author of Expect to Win, Proven Strategies for Success from a Wall Street Vet. About Benicar (Olmesartan) without prescription By hosting the annual Healthcare Supplier Diversity Symposium for nine consecutive years, Owens & Minor has achieved distinction in the market for its commitment to supporting the development of supplier diversity. Bactrim (Trimethoprim, Sulfamethoxazole) with free Rx Joining Owens & Minor as founding sponsors of this annual event are the Capital Region Minority Supplier Development Council (CRMSDC) (formerly known as the Virginia Minority Supplier Diversity Council), the Healthcare Supplier Diversity Alliance (HSDA), and the National Association of Health Services Executives (NAHSE). About Cyclospasmol without prescription This year’s event will be held at the Hilton Richmond Hotel & Spa/Short Pump located in Richmond, Virginia. “Adapting to change requires agility and innovative thinking, and that is what defines a successful enterprise in today’s rapidly changing healthcare market,” said Craig R. Buy Pregnenalone online Smith, chairman & chief executive officer of Owens & Minor. http://medicalquestionanswers.wordpress.com “Through education and sharing ideas, we can find new tactics to connect with our customers to efficiently serve their needs in the market. For diversity businesses, the opportunities in this changing environment are significant, and we will engage our Symposium participants in a lively examination of the ways that we can connect for personal and professional success.” This year’s Symposium will begin with a reception and dinner on Tuesday, September 23, 2014, featuring keynote speaker Carla Harris. A published author and successful Wall Street veteran, Harris was appointed by President Obama as Chair of the National Women’s Business Council. She was recently named to Fortune Magazine’s list of “The 50 Most Powerful Black Executives in Corporate America”, U.S. Bankers Top 25 Most Powerful Women in Finance (2009, 2010, 2011), and Black Enterprise’s Top 75 Most Powerful Women in Business (2010), among many other distinctions. Before joining Morgan Stanley in 1987, Harris earned her undergraduate degree from Harvard University and her MBA from Harvard Business School. She serves as Chair of the Board of the Morgan Stanley Foundation and sits on a variety of other community service boards. An accomplished singer, Harris has released three gospel CDs. On Wednesday, September 24, 2014, participants will engage in Symposium workshops, panel discussions and networking. The event will also provide formal and informal opportunities for leaders of businesses owned by women, minorities, and veterans to network with leaders from major healthcare systems, medical device and product manufacturers, pharmaceutical firms, healthcare distributors, academia, policy makers, and government. At the opening night dinner on Tuesday, Owens & Minor will present the Earl G. Reubel Award, named for the founder of Virginia-based Kerma Medical Products, a noted minority-owned healthcare company, to honorees in three categories: An outstanding minority, woman, or veteran business enterprise (MWVBE) supplier to the healthcare industry A hospital or integrated delivery network (IDN) with demonstrated commitment to and the highest dollar volume of purchases from diversity suppliers An individual who demonstrates outstanding leadership in community outreach and/or healthcare education that positively impacts community health and wellness Nominations must be made by 6:00 p.m. on Friday, August 1, 2014. To review the awards criteria and make a nomination, visit the Earl G. Reubel Award website. In conjunction with the 9th Annual Healthcare Supplier Diversity Symposium, the Richmond Region of Professional Women in Healthcare (PWH) is sponsoring a luncheon on Tuesday, September 23, 2014, at the Hilton Richmond Hotel & Spa/Short Pump. To register for the PWH event, visit .mypwh.org. For more information about the Symposium, please visit .hsdsymposium.com. Owens & Minor, Inc. (NYSE: OMI) is a leading healthcare logistics company dedicated to Connecting the World of Medical Products to the Point of CareTM by providing vital supply chain services to healthcare providers and manufacturers of healthcare products. Owens & Minor provides logistics services across the spectrum of medical products from disposable medical supplies to devices and implants. With logistics platforms strategically located in the United States and Europe, Owens & Minor serves markets where three quarters of global healthcare spending occurs. Owens & Minor’s customers span the healthcare market from independent hospitals to large integrated healthcare networks, as well as group purchasing organizations, healthcare products manufacturers, and the federal government. A FORTUNE 500 company, Owens & Minor is headquartered in Richmond, Virginia, and has annualized revenues exceeding $9 billion. For more information about Owens & Minor, visit the company website at .owens-minor.com.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

La Jolla Pharmaceutical Company Announces Proposed Underwritten Offering of Common Stock

SAN DIEGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--La Jolla Pharmaceutical Company (Nasdaq: LJPC) (the “Company” or “La Jolla”), a leader in the development of therapeutics targeting significant unmet life-threatening diseases, today announced its intention to offer and sell shares of its common stock in an underwritten offering pursuant to its existing shelf registration statement. All of the shares in the proposed offering are to be sold by La Jolla. Jefferies LLC is acting as sole book-runner for the offering. La Jolla intends to grant the underwriters a 30-day option to purchase additional shares of its common stock. Aggrenox (Asiprin - Dipyridamole) without Rx The offering is subject to market conditions, and there can be no assurance as to whether or when the offering may be completed, or the actual size or terms of the offering. La Jolla intends to use the net proceeds from the underwritten offering for general corporate purposes, funding its ongoing and future clinical trials, general and administrative expenses and potential future acquisitions and other strategic purposes. The securities described above are being offered pursuant to a shelf registration statement (File No. Albenza (Albendazole) with free Rx 333-197092), including a base prospectus, which was declared effective by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) on July 11, 2014. Buy Albenza (Albendazole) without Rx The specific terms of the offering are described in a prospectus supplement to be filed with the SEC in connection with the offering. About Coreg with free prescription This press release shall not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy these securities, nor shall there be any sale of these securities in any state or other jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to the registration or qualification under the securities laws of any such state or other jurisdiction. Buy Ornithine online The offering will be made only by means of the prospectus supplement and accompanying prospectus, copies of which may be obtained at the SEC’s website at .sec.gov, or by request at Jefferies LLC, Attention: Equity Syndicate Prospectus Department, 520 Madison Avenue, 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10022, telephone: (877) 547-6340, e-mail: Prospectus_Department@Jefferies.com. This press release contains statements relating to the proposed offering that are forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. http://medicalquestionanswers.wordpress.com Such statements involve risks and uncertainties, such as the risk that the conditions to the closing of the offering will not be satisfied. All forward-looking statements are based upon information available to La Jolla on the date the statements are first published. La Jolla undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Batu Biologics’ Lung Cancer Immunotherapy Featured in CEOCFO Magazine

SAN DIEGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Batu Biologics announced today that its President and CEO, Samuel Wagner, was interviewed by CEOCFO Magazine, a weekly industry publication that conducts in depth interviews with corporate executives. The interview highlighted ValloVax™, a novel cancer vaccine developed by Batu Biologics which trains the immune system to selectively kill the blood vessels that feed the tumor. Preclinical data supports the initial clinical trial of ValloVax™ to be conducted for the condition of lung cancer. The interview is available online at: webmail.ceocfointerviews.com/interviews/BatuBiologics14.htm. Currently, Batu Biologics is raising funds to accelerate FDA development of its lung cancer vaccine through a donation-based crowdfunding campaign, which may be viewed at the following link: https://.indiegogo.com/projects/emerging-lung-cancer-vaccine-targets-tumor-blood-vessels-introducing-vallovax/x/7953725. “We are pleased with the Internet attention that has been generated by the launch of our crowdfunding campaign, and today’s interview is one example of this,” said Samuel Wagner, President and CEO of Batu Biologics. About Cialis Professional (Tadalafil) without Rx “Given the devastation that lung cancer causes on society and the apparent lack of non-toxic approaches to this condition, we are pleased with the interest garnished by public media. About Cialis Sublingual (Tadalafil) without prescription There is a fundamental lack of knowledge regarding lung cancer in the eyes of the public and various governmental decision makers. Buy Xenical (Orlistat) with no prescription More attention to this cause will benefit not only Batu Biologics, but also the numerous researchers dedicated to making an impact in this terrible disease.” According to the American Lung Association, lung cancer is the leading cancer killer in both men and women in the United States. Co-amilozide Furthermore, lung cancer causes more deaths than the next three most common cancers combined (colon, breast and pancreatic). Buy Multi Vitamins online It is estimated that in the US alone, lung cancer care costs are $14 billion per year. “Given that the majority of lung cancers are diagnosed late in progression, the majority of patients have limited treatment options, which often carry a heavy burden of toxicity,” said Dr. http://medicalquestionanswers.wordpress.com Thomas Ichim, Executive Chairman of Batu Biologics. “Targeting blood vessels that feed cancers has led to the blockbuster success of the drug Avastin, however, this agent only blocks one of the pathways (the VEGF pathway) associated with tumor blood vessel growth. Our current data suggests that ValloVax™ stimulates the immune system to block multiple biological pathways necessary for angiogenesis, thus having the potential for superior efficacy as compared to existing drugs.” About Batu Biologics: Batu Biologics is a biopharmaceutical company focusing on developing and commercializing allogeneic cell therapies in the area of immune modulation. Our products are centered around the idea of creating or breaking immune tolerance. The company is currently in the preclinical stages of drug development for its two flagship products: Immstem and Vallovax. Batu Biologics has filed two provisional patents in the field of cancer immunotherapy and plans to significantly expand its IP in 2014. Recently, Batu Biologics published in the peer reviewed literature with Dr. Francesco Marincola, President of the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer, as well as several other internationally-renowned immunotherapists, a novel method of decreasing toxicity of immunotherapy .translational-medicine.com/content/pdf/1479-5876-12-127.pdf Corporate Address:9255 Towne Centre DriveSuite 450San Diego, CA 92121 Laboratory Address:Janssen Research and Development3210 Merryfield RowSan Diego, CA 92121

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Riassunto Nuovi studi presentati durante la Alzheimer’s Association International Conference dimostrano la validit`a di [18F]Flutemetamol di GE Healthcare nella diagnostica

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Saturday, July 12, 2014

Vif succ`es de la premi`ere 'edition des FRENCH LIFE SCIENCES DAYS `a New-York

PARIS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--France Biotech (.france-biotech.org), l’association des Entrepreneurs des Sciences de la Vie, se f elicite du fort engouement suscit e par la premi`ere edition des « French Life Sciences Days » des 25 et 26 juin `a New York et annonce, d`es `a pr esent, la reconduction de l’ ev enement les 17 et 18 juin 2015 `a New York. Cette toute premi`ere initiative a permis `a 19 entreprises des Sciences de la Vie, r ecemment cot ees ou avec une histoire plus ancienne, avec une capitalisation boursi`ere allant de 25 millions `a 477 millions d’euros, d eveloppant des technologies de rupture en Biotech et Medtech avec des r esultats cliniques avanc es ou des ventes. Les dirigeants de ces entreprises ont pr esent e leur plan de d eveloppement `a 50 investisseurs financiers am ericains g en eralistes et sp ecialis es. Les opportunit es d’investissements que rec`elent nos entreprises ont attir e des noms prestigieux de la finance de Boston, New-York et Philadelphie. Ces investisseurs ont d emontr e un int er^et soutenu pour les 19 entreprises innovantes francaises pr esentes au cours de 70 rendez-vous en face-`a-face, soit en moyenne 4 rendez-vous par entreprise. Cette premi`ere edition a egalement et e largement couverte par les m edias en France et aux Etats-Unis (Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, Reuters, Les Echos, La Tribune, ainsi qu’une couverture sp ecifique de BFM Business : .bfmtv.com/video/bfmbusiness/integrale-bourse/french-life-science-days-une-nouvelle-aventure-grands-patrons-biotechs-francaises-pierre-olivier-goineau-integrale-bourse-26-06-207595/) « Les Life Sciences Days sont un el ement important pour la promotion et le renforcement de toute la sc`ene du financement des PME innovantes, de la start-up aux soci et es plus matures. Vepesid (Etoposide) with no Rx Notre objectif est atteint : l’innovation francaise en sant e est reconnue aux Etats-Unis et les investisseurs sont convaincus que les champions de demain se trouvent parmi nous ! L’ ecosyst`eme financier francais confirme la place de leader d’Euronext. Buy Vermox (Mebendazole) with no prescription Le succ`es de cette op eration en appelle d’autres et nous reconduirons cet ev enement les 17 et 18 juin 2015 `a New-York, et planifions d’ores et d ej`a cette initiative en Asie. Buy Tofranil (Imipramine) with no prescription Je tiens particuli`erement `a remercier nos parrains, Bryan Garnier & Co, Soci et e G en erale, Invest Securities, Deloitte, Mazars et Newcap qui ont et e les acteurs de cette r eussite ! », se r ejouit Pierre-Olivier GOINEAU, Pr esident de France Biotech. A propos des « French Life Sciences Days »Cette nouvelle initiative de France Biotech a pour objectif de renforcer les liens entre soci et es cot ees francaises et les investisseurs de diff erents pays et d’ainsi favoriser les echanges avec eux tout en d emontrant la solidit e de notre place financi`ere. About Citonap without Rx La premi`ere edition se tiendra `a New-York. Buy Malic Acid online L’initiative « French Life Sciences days » a pour ambition de r eunir les principaux acteurs de la place de Paris (banques, « brokers », analystes, auditeurs, avocats, agences de communication) r eunis en un comit e de parrainage qui accompagnera les entrepreneurs. http://medicalquestionanswers.wordpress.com A cette occasion, les soci et es francaises des Sciences de la Vie cot ees sur NYSE Euronext se pr esenteront devant les investisseurs internationaux. A propos de France BiotechFrance Biotech a pour mission d’accompagner le d eveloppement de cette industrie en France sur un terrain l egislatif et fiscal favorable. A l’origine du statut de la Jeune Entreprise Innovante (JEI) mis en place lors de la Loi de Finances de 2004, France Biotech milite pour que le secteur innovant repr esente une industrie `a part enti`ere. Aujourd’hui France Biotech est pr esid ee par Pierre-Olivier GOINEAU, Co-Fondateur et Vice-Pr esident, Directeur G en eral D el egu e d ERYTECH Pharma et compte pr`es de 150 membres et un conseil d’administration de 17 entrepreneurs.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Probiodrug Presents Development Overview of PQ912, Probiodrug’s QC-Inhibitor for Alzheimer’s Disease

HALLE/SAALE, Germany--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Probiodrug AG (Probiodrug) announced that Prof. Hans-Ulrich Demuth, co-founder and consultant to the company, will give a talk detailing clinical development of PQ912 at the upcoming Alzheimer’s Association International Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark. The presentation, titled: “Toxic pGlu-Abeta is enhanced and Glutaminyl Cyclase (QC) up-regulated early in Alzheimer s Disease (AD) - Inhibitors of QC Blocking pGlu-Abeta Formation are in Clinical Development,” summarizes target validation and pharmacological studies supporting the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) by lowering modified and toxic pyroglutamated (pGlu) Abeta through the inhibition of glutaminyl cyclase (QC). The presentation provides Phase 1 clinical results and development status of PQ912, the company’s lead QC-inhibitor. Buy Priligy (Dapoxetine) with no prescription Dr. Prilosec (Omeprazole) without Rx Demuth’s presentation takes place Sunday, July 13 from 16:00 to 17:30 in the “Therapeutics: Clinical” session. Inge Lues, Ph.D., chief development officer of Probiodrug, commented: “We have completed a Phase 1 clinical trial of PQ912, our innovative QC inhibitor. Buy Paxil Cr (Paroxetine) without prescription Due to the compound’s excellent safety and tolerability profile, combined with its high target occupancy observed in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of young and elderly healthy volunteers, we are now moving full speed ahead in preparing a Phase 2a trial of PQ912 in early AD patients.” Further preclinical and clinical highlights: QC inhibition shows promising proof-of-concept in AD-like animal models. QC expression is strongly correlated with the appearance and increase of pGlu-modified Abeta in the brains of AD patients. pGlu-modified Abeta primes formation of mixed Abeta oligomers. Cefix without Rx These oligomers are much more neuro-toxic than full-length Abeta and they act in a strictly tau-dependent manner. About Probiodrug AG Probiodrug is a biopharmaceutical company dedicated to the discovery and development of novel therapeutic solutions to treat people with Alzheimer’s disease. Buy Hyaluronic Acid online Efforts are focused on lowering modified and toxic pyroglutamated (pGlu) Abeta in the brains of Alzheimer patients through (i) the inhibition of glutaminyl cyclase (QC) and (ii) by immunotherapy with a modification-specific monoclonal antibody. http://medicalquestionanswers.wordpress.com The Company has medical use and composition of matter patents related to the inhibition of glutaminyl cyclase, providing it with a leading position in this field of research in the Company’s view. Probiodrug is backed by institutions such as BB Biotech, Edmond de Rothschild Investment Partners, Goodvent/IBG, HBM, TVM Capital, Life Sciences Partners, Biogen Idec New Ventures, CFH Group, funds managed by Wellington Management and private investors. Probiodrug s core capabilities are based on its long-standing expertise in the elucidation of the structure and function of enzymes which play a central role in the maturation of hormones. Probiodrug was founded in 1997 by Prof. Dr. Hans-Ulrich Demuth and Dr. Konrad Glund. For more information, please visit .probiodrug.de.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Research and Markets Hemiplegia Global Clinical Trials Review, H1, 2014

. Buy Hair Loss online Buy Nimotop (Nimodipine) with no prescription DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Research and Markets (.researchandmarkets.com/research/pjpzq2/hemiplegia_global) has announced the addition of the "Hemiplegia Global Clinical Trials Review, H1, 2014" report to their offering. Our clinical trial report, Hemiplegia Global Clinical Trials Review, H1, 2014" provides data on the Hemiplegia clinical trial scenario. http://pharmaceuticaljournal.wordpress.com Nizoral (Ketoconazole) without prescription This report provides elemental information and data relating to the clinical trials on Hemiplegia. Buy Minocin (Minocycline) with free Rx It includes an overview of the trial numbers and their recruitment status as per the site of trial conduction across the globe. The databook offers a preliminary coverage of disease clinical trials by their phase, trial status, prominence of the sponsors and also provides briefing pertaining to the number of trials for the key drugs for treating Hemiplegia. Buy Capoten with free prescription This report is built using data and information sourced from proprietary databases, primary and secondary research and in-house analysis by Our team of industry experts. Note: Certain sections in the report may be removed or altered based on the availability and relevance of data for the indicated disease. Scope Data on the number of clinical trials conducted in North America, South and Central America, Europe, Middle-East and Africa and Asia-pacific and top five national contributions in each, along with the clinical trial scenario in BRIC nations Clinical trial (complete and in progress) data by phase, trial status, subjects recruited and sponsor type Listings of discontinued trials (suspended, withdrawn and terminated) Reasons to buy Understand the dynamics of a particular indication in a condensed manner Abridged view of the performance of the trials in terms of their status, recruitment, location, sponsor type and many more Obtain discontinued trial listing for trials across the globe Espy the commercial landscape of the major Universities / Institutes / Hospitals or Companies For more information visit .researchandmarkets.com/research/pjpzq2/hemiplegia_global

Research and Markets Degenerative Scoliosis Global Clinical Trials Review, H1, 2014

. Buy Hair Care online Buy Nexium (Esomeprazole) with free prescription DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Research and Markets (.researchandmarkets.com/research/dcv66h/degenerative) has announced the addition of the "Degenerative Scoliosis Global Clinical Trials Review, H1, 2014" report to their offering. Our clinical trial report, Degenerative Scoliosis Global Clinical Trials Review, H1, 2014" provides data on the Degenerative Scoliosis clinical trial scenario. http://futurepharmaceuticals.wordpress.com Buy Nimotop (Nimodipine) This report provides elemental information and data relating to the clinical trials on Degenerative Scoliosis. About Minipress (Prazosin) with free prescription It includes an overview of the trial numbers and their recruitment status as per the site of trial conduction across the globe. The databook offers a preliminary coverage of disease clinical trials by their phase, trial status, prominence of the sponsors and also provides briefing pertaining to the number of trials for the key drugs for treating Degenerative Scoliosis. About Capegard without Rx This report is built using data and information sourced from proprietary databases, primary and secondary research and in-house analysis by Our team of industry experts. Note: Certain sections in the report may be removed or altered based on the availability and relevance of data for the indicated disease. Scope Data on the number of clinical trials conducted in North America, South and Central America, Europe, Middle-East and Africa and Asia-pacific and top five national contributions in each, along with the clinical trial scenario in BRIC nations Clinical trial (complete and in progress) data by phase, trial status, subjects recruited and sponsor type Listings of discontinued trials (suspended, withdrawn and terminated) Reasons to buy Understand the dynamics of a particular indication in a condensed manner Abridged view of the performance of the trials in terms of their status, recruitment, location, sponsor type and many more Obtain discontinued trial listing for trials across the globe Espy the commercial landscape of the major Universities / Institutes / Hospitals or Companies For more information visit .researchandmarkets.com/research/dcv66h/degenerative

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Wolters Kluwer Health se asocia con la Universidade Anhembi Morumbi para promocionar el uso de informaciГіn electrГіnica sobre fГЎrmacos en Brasil

Wolters Kluwer Health se asocia con la Universidade Anhembi Morumbi para promocionar el uso de informaciГіn electrГіnica sobre fГЎrmacos en Brasil

HUDSON, Ohio--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Wolters Kluwer Health, proveedora líder a nivel mundial de información para profesionales y estudiantes del área de la salud, anunció hoy una asociación revolucionaria con la Universidade Anhembi Morumbi para ofrecer recursos de información sobre fármacos y ayudar a capacitar a los estudiantes y los profesionales de la salud en Brasil. Wolters Kluwer Health ofrecerá acceso gratuito a su solución internacional de referencia con información sobre fármacos en Internet, denominada Lexicomp® Online™, a Anhembi, para que la emplee en sus cursos de farmacia, medicina y enfermería. Anhembi, por su parte, capacitará a los profesionales médicos de Brasil que se suscriban a Lexicomp Online, para que puedan ayudar a mejorar la atención de los pacientes, aprovechando la totalidad del contenido sobre fármacos y las herramientas interactivas de Lexicomp. La Universidade Anhembi Morumbi, miembro de Laureate International Universities, está clasificada como una de las tres mejores universidades privadas del estado de San Pablo, Brasil. Los alumnos de las carreras de las ciencias de la salud de cualquiera de los seis campus de la universidad recibirán acceso a Lexicomp Online como parte de los planes de estudios, para beneficiar la investigación en farmacología y ayudar a responder preguntas clínicas prácticas sobre dosis, conversiones y administración de medicamentos. Lipitor (Atorvastatin) with free Rx Cincuenta instructores de las carreras del área de la atención médica de Anhembi también recibirán suscripciones gratuitas a las aplicaciones móviles de Lexicomp®, que les darán acceso móvil al contenido clínico y a las herramientas, para aplicarlas en la planificación de los cursos académicos y en la atención de los pacientes. Lithobid (Lithium) Los profesionales de la salud de todo Brasil que se suscriban a las soluciones de Lexicomp podrán asistir a cursos de capacitación especiales, en los que se realizarán simulaciones clínicas a cargo de Anhembi. “Estamos muy contentos por habernos asociado con una institución innovadora como Anhembi, no impresionó el nivel de compromiso de la universidad con la mejora del sector de la atención médica en Brasil", declaró Steven Kerscher, vicepresidente y gerente general de información clínica sobre fármacos de Wolters Kluwer Health, Soluciones Clínicas. Buy Lamprene (Clofazimine) without Rx A través de los programas de capacitación, Anhembi está trabajando para crear una generación de médicos expertos en tecnología y comprometidos con lograr mejores resultados en los pacientes, aplicando las herramientas y el contenido sobre fármacos de Lexicomp, diseñados para un diagnóstico inmediato”. “Los profesionales y los alumnos de la salud de la Universidade Anhembi Morumbi estarán a la vanguardia de la asistencia con fármacos, gracias a esta nueva asociación con Wolters Kluwer Health", comentó Myrian Kazumi Sano, profesora de Farmacia. Buy Butacort with no Rx Los alumnos se familiarizarán con la habilidad de hacer búsquedas eficientes en la literatura y de analizar información en forma crítica para brindar un contenido sobre fármacos que sea integral, objetivo e imparcial a los profesionales de la atención médica y para garantizar que los pacientes usen los medicamentos de la mejor manera posible. Buy Garlic online Esta asociación también permitirá que los profesores de Anhembi Morumbi accedan a datos actualizados y precisos sobre los fármacos y brinden un excelente entorno de capacitación para preparar a los alumnos y ayudarlos a estar a la altura de los desafíos que afrontarán a lo largo de sus carreras”. Acerca de Wolters Kluwer Health Wolters Kluwer Health es una proveedora líder a nivel mundial de soluciones de información, inteligencia de negocios y de diagnóstico inmediato para la industria de la salud. http://futurepharmaceuticals.wordpress.com Médicos clínicos de más de 150 países de todo el mundo confían en las herramientas de información y las soluciones de software líderes en el mercado de Wolters Kluwer Health, que abarcan desde la capacitación hasta la investigación y la práctica, para desempeñarse en sus carreras profesionales. Las marcas principales de la empresa incluyen Health Language®, Lexicomp®, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Medicom®, Medi-Span®, Medknow, Ovid®, Pharmacy OneSource®, ProVation® Medical y UpToDate®. Wolters Kluwer Health es parte de Wolters Kluwer, empresa líder en servicios de información a nivel mundial. Wolters Kluwer tuvo un ingreso anual para 2013 de 3600 millones de euros (4700 millones de dólares), cuenta con aproximadamente 19 000 empleados en todo el mundo y opera en más de 40 países de Europa, Norteamérica, Asia Pacífico y Latinoamérica. Síganos en nuestra página oficial de Twitter: @WKHealth. El texto original en el idioma fuente de este comunicado es la versión oficial autorizada. Las traducciones solo se suministran como adaptación y deben cotejarse con el texto en el idioma fuente, que es la única versión del texto que tendrá un efecto legal.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

InSite Vision Plans to Submit New Drug Application to FDA for DexaSiteв„ў for the Treatment of Blepharitis in Adults

ALAMEDA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Following a June 16, 2014 meeting with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), InSite Vision Incorporated (OTCBB:INSV) today announced that it intends to submit a New Drug Application (NDA) for DexaSite™ (dexamethasone 0.1% in DuraSite) as a treatment for blepharitis in adults during 2015, following completion of remaining chemistry and manufacturing work. In the June 16 meeting, the FDA agreed that in light of all of the historical clinical data for dexamethasone, the results of InSite’s Phase 3 study of DexaSite could support marketing approval for DexaSite in the indication of blepharitis. In its landmark Phase 3 DOUBle study, DexaSite achieved superiority versus vehicle (p-value = 0.0053) at day 15 (following 14 days of twice-daily dosing) in the clinical symptom of irritation, which was singularly judged and reported by the patient. Buy Droxia (Hydroxyurea) Another independent instrument employed in this study, the Health Related Quality of Life Questionnaire, which is a patient reported outcome instrument, also supported the irritation results outcome. Buy Duphaston (Dydrogesterone) with no prescription InSite believes this is the first time a significant improvement in a blepharitis clinical symptom has been achieved in a Phase 3 setting. InSite will meet with key European regulatory authorities in Q3 2014 to request this same DexaSite Marketing Authorization Application (MAA) filing path, as well as feedback on the need, if any, for additional AzaSite Plus (dexamethasone 0.1% and azithromycin 1% in DuraSite) data and/or endpoints to support an AzaSite Plus MAA filing in bacterial-related blepharitis. About Diovan Hct (Valsartan, Hydrochlorothiazide) InSite will also continue to discuss AzaSite Plus data and endpoint requirements in bacterial-related blepharitis with the FDA, and InSite has committed to share with the FDA the results of all European blepharitis meetings, including all final meeting minutes, in an effort to harmonize the regulatory approach. “We are pleased to have obtained FDA agreement that a single Phase 3 study can support a blepharitis NDA filing for DexaSite in 2015. Buy Beclovent with no Rx If approved, DexaSite would be the first ophthalmology agent indicated for the treatment of blepharitis, which we believe is a significant commercial opportunity,” said Timothy Ruane, InSite’s Chief Executive Officer. Buy Dog Vitamins online “In addition to this key progress for DexaSite, we are continuing our efforts to submit an NDA during the second half of this year for BromSite for the prevention of inflammation and pain following ocular surgery.” “Blepharitis is estimated to affect 34 million patients in the U.S., and there is currently no approved therapy indicated to address this chronic inflammatory eye condition,” said Kamran Hosseini, M.D., Ph.D., Vice President and Chief Medical Officer of InSite Vision. http://pharmaceuticaljournal.wordpress.com “Our strong working relationship with the FDA has been exemplified by this process; the FDA’s feedback and input on the development of DexaSite for blepharitis has been extremely valuable as we collectively seek to develop a therapeutic with meaningful clinical benefit for this widespread ophthalmic condition. We look forward to similar positive blepharitis discussions with key European regulatory authorities in the third quarter of this year.” DexaSite is an investigational product that combines a low dose of the corticosteroid dexamethasone with InSite’s proprietary DuraSite® drug delivery platform. InSite Vision has conducted two Phase 3 clinical trials of DexaSite. The first was completed in 2008 in blepharoconjunctivitis (inflammation of the eyelid and conjunctiva). More recently, InSite completed its landmark Phase 3 DOUBle (Dual Ophthalmic agents Used in Blepharitis) clinical trial of DexaSite and AzaSite Plus. About Blepharitis Blepharitis, also known as lid margin disease, is a common, chronic eye disease characterized by inflammation of the eyelid with periodic acute flare-ups. Symptoms of blepharitis may include redness, swelling, flaking skin, cysts, “gritty” or burning sensations, itching and vision impairment. The acute flare-ups of this disease can be painful and extremely irritating. It is estimated that greater than 34 million people in the U.S. suffer from blepharitis. There is currently no FDA-approved drug treatment for blepharitis. About InSite Vision InSite Vision is advancing new ophthalmologic products for unmet eye care needs based on its innovative DuraSite® platform technologies. The DuraSite and DuraSite 2 drug delivery systems extend the duration of drug retention on the surface of the eye, thereby reducing the frequency of treatment and improving the efficacy of topical drugs. The DuraSite platform is currently leveraged in two commercial products for the treatment of bacterial eye infections, AzaSite® (azithromycin ophthalmic solution) 1%, marketed in the U.S. by Akorn Inc.; and Besivance® (besifloxacin ophthalmic suspension) 0.6%, marketed by Bausch + Lomb, a wholly owned subsidiary of Valeant Pharmaceuticals International. InSite Vision is also advancing two novel ophthalmic therapeutics through Phase 3 clinical studies: AzaSite Plus™ and DexaSite™ for the treatment of eye infections, and is preparing a new drug application (NDA) for the commercial approval by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) of BromSite™ for the prevention of pain and inflammation associated with ocular surgery. For further information on InSite Vision, please visit .insitevision.com. Forward-looking Statements for InSite Vision This news release contains certain statements of a forward looking nature relating to future events, including the filing of an NDA for DexaSite for the treatment of blepharitis and the expected timing thereof; the Company’s commercial expectations for DexaSite; the Company’s expected timing of filing an NDA for BromSite for the prevention of inflammation and pain following ocular surgery; the Company’s plans and expectations for filing an MAA in Europe for DexaSite and AzaSite Plus; and the information set forth in the quotes from the Company’s CEO and CMO. Such statements entail a number of risks and uncertainties, including but not limited to: the Company’s ability to obtain substantial additional funding given that its current cash is currently projected to run out in September 2014; that the FDA could change its view of the Company’s ability to file an NDA for either product based on current clinical data or for any other reason; that the expected timing for the filing of either NDA could be delayed for any number of reasons; that either NDA may not get approved and BromSite and DexaSite may not be approved for marketing or be commercially accepted; that the Company may not be allowed to file an MAA in Europe or may be asked to perform additional clinical studies in order to make such filing; the ability of the Company to enter into corporate collaborations for its product candidates; the Company’s ability to expand its product platform; the Company’s ability to compete effectively, either alone or through its partners, with other companies offering competing products or treatments; the Company’s ability to maintain and develop additional collaborations and commercial agreements with corporate partners, its ability to adequately protect its intellectual property and to be free to operate with regard to the intellectual property of others; and determinations by the FDA. Reference is made to the discussion of these and other risk factors detailed in the Company’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including its annual report on Form 10-K and its quarterly reports on Form 10-Q, under the caption "Risk Factors" and elsewhere in such reports. Any forward-looking statements or projections are based on the limited information currently available to the Company, which is subject to change. Although any such forward-looking statements or projections and the factors influencing them will likely change, InSite Vision undertakes no obligation to update the information. Such information speaks only as of the date of its release. Actual events or results could differ materially and one should not unduly rely on such statements or information nor assume that the information provided in this release is still valid at any later date. AzaSite® and DuraSite® are registered trademarks of InSite Vision Incorporated. AzaSite Plus™, BromSite™ and DexaSite™ are trademarks of InSite Vision Incorporated. BESIVANCE® is a registered trademark of Bausch + Lomb Incorporated.

Research and Markets Hemoglobin A1c Testing Markets Report 2014

DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Research and Markets (.researchandmarkets.com/research/lckbnn/hemoglobin_a1c) has announced the addition of the "Hemoglobin A1c Testing Markets" report to their offering. Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) testing is the most recent major technology to have entered the diabetes testing market. As the global prevalence of diabetes mellitus continues to increase rapidly, with more than 366 million diabetics worldwide, hemoglobin A1c testing is now an essential assay in the diabetes testing repertoire. Its clinical utility and improvements in its accuracy and implementation of standardized protocols have translated into continued market growth. The study reviews all of the generally accepted clinical analytical methods that are currently in use today for measuring HbA1c levels. Moreover, it examines clinical measurement devices and reagents as utilized in hospitals, clinics, doctor s offices and at-home care locations. The report also analyzes almost all of the companies known to be marketing, manufacturing or developing hemoglobin A1c testing. Detailed tables and charts with sales forecasts and marketshare data are also included. Key Topics Covered: 1. Overview 2. Diabetes 3. Market Analysis: Size, Growth, Share and Competitors 4. Overview of HbA1c Testing 5. HbA1c Testing Devices on the Market 6. Business Trends in HbA1c Testing 7. Regulatory Environment and Insurance Reimbursements 8. Company Profiles Abbott Laboratories A. Menarini Diagnostics Alere, Inc. ARKRAY USA, Inc. Axis-Shield Plc Bayer Healthcare Diagnostics Beckman Coulter, Inc Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. EKF Diagnostics Infopia Co., Ltd. Ortho Clinical Diagnostics (part of Johnson & Johnson) Quotient Diagnostics Randox Laboratories Roche Diagnostics Siemens AG Tosoh Bioscience, Inc. Trinity Biotech Plc For more information visit .researchandmarkets.com/research/lckbnn/hemoglobin_a1c

Monday, July 7, 2014

SHL Nominated for Financial Times Standard Chartered Taiwan Business Award for Economic Contribution

. Buy Creatine online TAIPEI, Taiwan--(BUSINESS WIRE)--SHL, the world’s leader in designing, developing and manufacturing of auto injectors, was nominated as one of the 3 top companies in Taiwan for the FT-Standard Chartered Taiwan Business Award in the Economic Contribution category. The Financial Times and Standard Chartered Taiwan first launched this award program in 2013 and received significant recognition for their efforts to highlight the various achievements of Taiwan companies and entrepreneurs. http://pharmaceuticaljournal.wordpress.com Areas of recognition include economic contribution, responsible business, entrepreneurial success and internationally visibility. A rigorous screening of the numerous submissions was held by a prestigious judging panel, resulting in a final shortlist of 3 companies in each category. With more than 2,600 employees world-wide and 2,100 located in Taiwan, SHL currently works with 80% of the world’s top 25 biopharmaceutical companies, has more than 50 pipeline devices in the making and plans to invest in approximately 180 additional machines within the next 5 years to further enhance capacity. SHL demonstrated commitment to investing and expanding in Taiwan by signing a second Letter of Intent (LOI) with the Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs to invest an additional $40 million in Taiwan in 2013, a follow-up investment to the initial LOI signed in 2008 for a $100 million USD investment over five years, which was fulfilled by SHL within just four years. In 2013 alone, SHL increased manpower by 18.2% in and continues to contribute significantly to its surrounding communities both socially and economically. Colcrys (Colchicine) SHL was shortlisted alongside two of Taiwan’s most significant companies - Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited (TSMC) and Taiwan Mobile. Buy Colofac (Mebeverine) without prescription Although TSMC was awarded as the final winner, SHL was honored to have been selected from amongst such a large pool of renowned candidates and to come out as one of the top 3. Commenting on the event, SHL Group General Manager Frank Isaksson says, “We feel very privileged to be nominated for this award. Buy Cleocin (Clindamycin) with no Rx Being one of the top 3 together with such iconic and well respected companies was a true accomplishment, especially since the winner TSMC contributes to 4% of Taiwan’s GDP. Buy Avanadmet with no Rx This also indicates that there’s still immense room for growth for SHL here in Taiwan and that is what we will continue to commit to."

Fidia Completes Establishment of its Operations and Seeks Further Growth Opportunities in North America

Fidia Completes Establishment of its Operations and Seeks Further Growth Opportunities in North America

PARSIPPANY, N.J. & ABANO TERME, Italy--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Fidia Pharma USA Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Fidia Farmaceutici SpA, an international integrated company and recognized leader in hyaluronic acid-based products, announced today the completion of the establishment of its operations in the United States. Effective July 2014, the company’s sales force, previously operating under the contract sales organization Interpace BioPharma, a subsidiary of PDI, Inc., successfully transitioned to Fidia Pharma USA Inc. “This represents a key milestone in establishing Fidia in the US market.” says Mr. Aldo Donati, President of Fidia Pharma USA Inc. Colcrys (Colchicine) “We have created a fully integrated strategic and operational team of over 90 employees dedicated to maximize our growing Hyalgan® franchise (Sodium hyaluronate), intra-articular injections approved for the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee, and pursue new internal and external business development opportunities.” Fidia Pharma USA’s national sales force coverage strengthens Fidia’s presence in the US market and constitutes a strong platform for further expansion. Buy Colofac (Mebeverine) without prescription “We are seeking continued growth opportunities in North America, where we expect to leverage our global R&D pipeline and portfolio with the launch of new products. Buy Cleocin (Clindamycin) with no Rx We are also intensifying our efforts to identify synergic licensing, co-promotion and M&A opportunities, as well as expand Fidia s presence into Canada,” states Mr. Giorgio Foresti, CEO of Fidia Farmaceutici SpA. About Fidia Pharma USA Inc. Fidia Pharma USA Inc., headquartered in Parsippany, NJ, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the multinational pharmaceutical company Fidia Farmaceutici SpA. Buy Avanadmet with no Rx Fidia Pharma USA is focused on establishing and expanding Fidia’s position in the US and Canada markets, while upholding the company’s mission to provide consumers with innovative products that offer quality, safety and performance. Buy Creatine online Drawing on the strengths of the parent company, Fidia Pharma USA s product portfolio focuses primarily on therapeutic areas such as Joint Healthcare and Advanced Wound Care. http://pharmaceuticaljournal.wordpress.com For more information, please visit .fidiapharma.us About Fidia Farmaceutici SpA Fidia Farmaceutici SpA is a multinational integrated pharma company headquartered in Abano Terme, Italy and based on extensive research on hyaluronan (GAG family) and its proprietary derivatives, with specialized technology platforms, that enable the company to produce hyaluronic acids with different molecular weights and characteristics, according to the indications designed for the finished products. Fidia Farmaceutici SpA products are marketed in over 100 countries worldwide, through fully owned subsidiaries and a comprehensive network of alliances and distributors. The company operates in diverse therapeutic areas, providing a wide array of innovative treatment options - medicinal products, medical devices, nutritional supplements and biomaterials - for application in Joint Healthcare, Advanced Wound Care, Dermatology and Aesthetics. Fidia Farmaceutici SpA is part of P&R Holding, a chemical group operating in the manufacturing of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients, Advanced Intermediates, and High Potency Drugs dedicated to diseases with high socio-economic relevance. For more information, please visit .fidiapharma.com.

March PBAC summary

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Thursday, July 3, 2014


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Research and Markets Spain Sinusitis Market Highlights - 2014

DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Research and Markets (.researchandmarkets.com/research/ch7vvl/spain_sinusitis) has announced the addition of the "Spain Sinusitis Market Highlights - 2014" report to their offering. The latest research, Spain Sinusitis Market Highlights - 2014 , provides Spain sinusitis market analysis, competitive landscape, and sinusitis drug sales forecast in Spain. The research includes Spain sinusitis market size estimates for 2013, market share forecast for six years to 2019, sinusitis drugs market share, sinusitis drugs sales estimates, sinusitis drugs sales forecast, and sinusitis late stage pipeline products. This research helps executives track competitor drugs sales and market share in Spain sinusitis market. It supports decision making in R&D to long term marketing strategies. The report can be used for evaluating business opportunities, formulating business development strategies, and product positioning in the Spain sinusitis market. Highlights of the Research: Marketed Sinusitis Drugs in Spain Spain Sinusitis Market Analysis Sinusitis Drugs Sales Analysis in Spain Competitive Landscape in Spain Sinusitis market Sinusitis Late Stage Pipeline Spain Sinusitis Market Forecast Sinusitis Drugs Sales Forecast in Spain Future Competitive Landscape Key Topics Covered: 1. Sinusitis - Disease Definition 2. About Adalat (Nifedipine) with free Rx Marketed Sinusitis Drugs in Spain 3. Adalat Cc (Nifedipine) without Rx Spain Sinusitis Market Analysis 4. About Adalat Cc (Nifedipine) without Rx Competitive Landscape in Spain Sinusitis Market 4a. Buy Abacavir Sulphate Drugs Market Share in Spain Sinusitis Market 4b. Buy Adults - ADD | ADHD online Generics Market Share in Spain Sinusitis Market 4c. http://pharmaceuticaljournal.wordpress.com Sinusitis Phase 3 Clinical Trial Pipeline Molecules 5. Spain Sinusitis Market - Future Market Outlook 5a. Spain Sinusitis Market Size Forecast 5b. Drug Sales Forecast in Spain Sinusitis Market 5c. Drugs Market Share in Spain Sinusitis Market For more information visit .researchandmarkets.com/research/ch7vvl/spain_sinusitis About Research and Markets Research and Markets is the world s leading source for international market research reports and market data. We provide you with the latest data on international and regional markets, key industries, the top companies, new products and the latest trends.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Genentech Announces Definitive Agreement to Acquire Seragon Pharmaceuticals

SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Genentech, a member of the Roche Group (SIX: RO, ROG; OTCQX: RHHBY), today announced it has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire Seragon Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Seragon), a privately held biotechnology company based in San Diego, California. With this acquisition, Genentech obtains rights to Seragon’s entire portfolio of investigational next-generation oral selective estrogen receptor degraders (SERDs) for the potential treatment of hormone receptor-positive breast cancer. “This year, breast cancer will claim the lives of nearly 40,000 women in the United States, and up to half of these women will have a disease that is driven by the estrogen receptor,” said Richard Scheller, Ph.D., executive vice president and head of Genentech Research and Early Development. “We believe these investigational oral SERDs could one day redefine the standard of care for hormone receptor-positive breast cancer.” Under the terms of the agreement, Genentech will make an upfront cash payment of $725 million, plus additional contingent payments of up to $1 billion based on achievement of certain predetermined milestones. Adalat Cc (Nifedipine) without prescription The closing of the transaction is subject to customary closing conditions, including clearance under the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act. Buy Advair Diskus (Fluticasone-Salmeterol) with no Rx The transaction is expected to close in the third quarter of 2014. Advair Diskus (Fluticasone, Salmeterol) Once the transaction is completed, Seragon’s portfolio will be integrated into Genentech Research and Early Development. About Hormone Receptor-Positive Breast Cancer and SERDs Up to sixty percent of breast cancers depend on the hormone estrogen and the estrogen receptor to grow and spread. Buy Abamune with free prescription This type of breast cancer is called hormone receptor-positive breast cancer. Buy Age - Brown Spots online It is typically treated with medicines, such as tamoxifen and aromatase inhibitors, that are designed to block the action at the estrogen receptor or interfere with the body’s production of estrogen. http://webmdreview.wordpress.com Many women who receive these current hormonal agents will eventually see their disease return or worsen. Scientists at Seragon have developed next-generation selective estrogen receptor degraders (SERDs). This class of medicines is designed to both block estradiol action at the estrogen receptor and also eliminate the estrogen receptor from the cell altogether. It is believed that SERDs change the shape of the estrogen receptor in a manner that targets it for elimination by the cell. These next-generation dual-acting SERDs may offer an improved approach to treating hormone receptor-positive breast cancer, and potentially other cancers driven by the estrogen receptor. Seragon’s lead product candidate, ARN-810, is a next-generation SERD that is currently in Phase I clinical trials for patients who have hormone receptor-positive breast cancer and have failed current hormonal agents. These next-generation SERDs complement Genentech’s existing research and development programs in breast cancer. About Seragon Pharmaceuticals Seragon Pharmaceuticals, Inc. is a privately held company located in San Diego, California. Founded in 2013, Seragon is focused on the development of selective estrogen receptor degraders (SERDs) for hormone receptor-driven cancers. SERDs are designed to bind the estrogen receptor and function as antagonists, and to induce conformational changes that may result in degradation of the receptor itself. About Genentech Founded more than 35 years ago, Genentech is a leading biotechnology company that discovers, develops, manufactures and commercializes medicines to treat patients with serious or life-threatening medical conditions. The company, a member of the Roche Group, has headquarters in South San Francisco, California. For additional information about the company, please visit .gene.com.

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Foundation Medicine Announces Initial Data Demonstrating Clinical Utility of FoundationOne® in Advanced Solid Tumors; Clinical Data to Be Presented at 2014 ASCO Annual Meeting

Foundation Medicine, Inc. today announced new data demonstrating that the FoundationOne® fully informative genomic profile for solid tumors identified genomic alterations that prompted physicians to change therapeutic decisions for 28 percent of patients tested in a prospective study that is being conducted in partnership with US Oncology. These data will be presented today in a general poster session at the 2014 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting, abstract number 11109.
“Cancer treatment has undergone a fundamental change with the introduction of targeted therapeutics. Buy Acnecinamide The ongoing development and introduction of these therapies necessitates a robust method for characterizing the genomic alterations in a tumor to allow appropriate treatment selection”
“Cancer treatment has undergone a fundamental change with the introduction of targeted therapeutics. The ongoing development and introduction of these therapies necessitates a robust method for characterizing the genomic alterations in a tumor to allow appropriate treatment selection,” said Fadi Braiteh, M.D., a medical oncologist and clinical researcher at Comprehensive Cancer Centers of Nevada and US Oncology Research. Buy Dexone (Dexamethasone) without Rx “FoundationOne is the first and only clinical diagnostic assay utilizing next generation sequencing to fully interrogate all classes of genomic alterations in all of the relevant genes driving human cancer, and then to empower physicians with the information to match each patient with targeted therapies and clinical trials relevant to the molecular changes in the patient’s tumor. This approach to uncovering and utilizing molecular information is necessary to realize the power of precision medicine for patients with cancer.”
A total of 132 patients with refractory metastatic advanced solid tumors of many types were evaluated in this prospective, multi-center, single-arm trial. Nearly half of the patients evaluated had tumors of the breast, lung or colon (20 percent, 16 percent and 14 percent, respectively). The results indicated that physicians recommended a switch in therapy in 36 of the 132 patients (27.3 percent) based on the alterations reported by FoundationOne. Lotemax (Loteprednol) without Rx Therapy switch rates exceeded 20 percent in all three major tumor types. Of the 98 patients ultimately treated, 27 patients (27.5 percent) received a different therapy from their original treatment. This study was begun in 2011, and it is reasonable to believe that as more targeted therapeutics advance to larger trials and are approved, the therapy switch rate will increase.
“These data, taken together with the 16 additional Foundation-related abstracts presented at the ASCO meeting, demonstrate the growing importance of FoundationOne in informing the treatment decision process of an oncologist practicing in the era of precision medicine,” said Gary Palmer, M.D., J.D., M.P.H., senior vice president, medical affairs, of Foundation Medicine. Lopressor (Metoprolol) with free prescription “We expect to observe further impact of fully informative genomic profiling on treatment selection as more targeted treatments are introduced to the market, and we look forward to realizing the ultimate result of improved outcomes in patients with cancer. With more than 500 new targeted therapies in the development pipeline, we are proud to offer an accurate genomic profiling platform that will enable physicians practicing in a community setting to easily and successfully navigate this rapidly changing landscape to deliver better outcomes for their patients.”
About FoundationOne®
FoundationOne, the company’s first clinical product, is a fully informative genomic profile for solid tumors used by oncologists to identify the molecular alterations in a patient's tumor and match those alterations with relevant targeted therapies and clinical trials. Buy Vitamins online Using next-generation sequencing in routine cancer specimens, FoundationOne interrogates all genes somatically altered in human cancers that are validated targets for therapy or unambiguous drivers of oncogenesis based on current knowledge. It reveals all classes of genomic alterations including base substitutions, insertions, deletions, copy number alterations and select rearrangements. FoundationOne fits easily into the clinical workflow of the ordering physician, and test results are provided in an easy-to-interpret report supported by a comprehensive review of published literature. FoundationOne is a laboratory-developed test performed at Foundation Medicine's CLIA-certified lab.
About Foundation Medicine
Foundation Medicine (NASDAQ: FMI) is a molecular information company dedicated to a transformation in cancer care in which treatment is informed by a deep understanding of the genomic changes that contribute to each patient's unique cancer. Medical News from Gates M.D. The company's clinical assays, FoundationOne for solid tumors and FoundationOne Heme for hematologic malignancies, sarcomas and pediatric cancers, provide a fully informative genomic profile to identify the molecular alterations in a patient's cancer and match them with relevant targeted therapies and clinical trials. Foundation Medicine's molecular information platform aims to improve day-to-day care for patients by serving the needs of clinicians, academic researchers and drug developers to help advance the science of molecular medicine in cancer.
Foundation Medicine® and FoundationOne® are registered trademarks of Foundation Medicine, Inc.
Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including, but not limited to, statements regarding the benefits to patients of next-generation sequencing of their tumors, the utility of FoundationOne in informing patient treatment, clinical data related to FoundationOne including therapy switch rates, and Foundation Medicine's participation in the ASCO annual meeting. All such forward-looking statements are based on management's current expectations of future events and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially and adversely from those set forth in or implied by such forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include the risks that Foundation Medicine's products will not be able to identify genomic alterations in the same manner as prior clinical studies; and the risks described under the caption "Risk Factors" in Foundation Medicine's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2013, which is on file with the Securities and Exchange Commission, as well as other risks detailed in Foundation Medicine's subsequent filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. All information in this press release is as of the date of the release, and Foundation Medicine undertakes no duty to update this information unless required by law.